Driving -- How cool is that ??? We're driving in middle school!
By Parent Mentor, Kaushika
We are learning how to drive these past two weeks. But, we are driving our Robot, not a car.
We are learning how to drive these past two weeks. But, we are driving our Robot, not a car.
It's fun but actually harder than they thought it would be. Getting our Robot to move the way they want depends not only on the program that our Tele-Op sub-team has built. But, also learning how to move the controller in sync with one another so that the arm doesn't get in the way of our sweeper or making sure they don't get "stuck" on one of the craters or the minerals. The team has spent hours working on this coordination skill and this weekend they narrowed it down to 4 team members that will be practicing further to prepare for qualifying competition on Dec 8th.
This weekend at our outreach event that we attended, Sharkfest, hosted by the Hammerheads, the team got the chance to show their driving skills and strategize how to improve their driving plan during the 2 min game and get more points in their challenge. Wish them luck!
Here's what two of our drivers sketched out to help improve their drive plan at our next meeting. We usually try to draw out or write out our ideas because our coaches and mentor's favorite phrase is "good, write it down". So we did!
Image and Strategy Created by Bakir and Astha 11/17
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