By Anand

Our goal for our Open House when we did our brainstorm and organized our Agenda for the night was for us to share what our team has learned over the past 8 weeks of doing FTC with others who might be interested in learning about Robotics.   We wanted to show them our Robot and give kids a chance to work our controllers and make him move.   We wanted to teach them about the different unique parts of our Robot, like our arm, our sweeper, and our basket design.   We wanted to also show them a little bit about block programming and give them hands-on experience with doing a simple program that they could modify.  We also taught the attendees about the differences between what an Autonomous vs. Teleop and how our team learned to successfully program "Smitty" to achieve our Rover Ruckus game goals.  We will be looking for at least 2 new team members to join our team and wanted to inspire other kids to join FTC community or school teams once they see how much fun we've had working as a team with our coaches and mentors this season as a new Rookie Team.   It's been lots of long hours of creating plans, practicing our break out sessions and pulling together materials to make it a fun and informative night.   

We reached over 2000 families in the area by sending flyers in Peachjar service to 4 elementary schools and other middle schools in Troy. We also personally visited some of the elementary schools and asked for help getting our event announced at the schools to show kids how to progress from FLL to FTC.  One of our elementary schools also sent our flyers out in kids backpacks which really helped and made announcements at school.  We also reached out to all the students in our own school and our Principal sent our flyers out for 3 weeks in his newsletter to over 650 Smith Middle School families.   

We had over 30 attendees in addition to our team and mentors join us at our Open House.  Here are two of the testimonials from kids and parents who came to our event. 

It feels great to share and help others learn and we can't wait to do more of these events next year! 


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